My wife and I went on an amazing bike ride in northern Idaho. We rode on the “Route of the Hiawatha”. In the olden days, this was once a railroad track that went from Seattle, Washington to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In the 1980’s the train stopped running on the track as people found it much easier to fly on a plane than ride on a train. It sat in disrepair for years but over the last few years, parts of it have been converted into a bike path. I believe the goal is to convert the entire trail to a bike path in the coming years. On this particular ten mile section of the trail there are seven trestles and nine different tunnels. The trestles are beautiful works of engineering art. It is amazing riding over their curved arches and hearing the rivers in the valley below ripple and splash. The tunnels are incredible to ride through. Some are short and some are mid-length where your eyes get adjusted to the dark long enough before the light starts to filter in at the other end. However, there is one long tunnel. It is called the St. Paul Pass Tunnel. This tunnel is over 8750 feet long (1.66 miles). This tunnel takes close to ten minutes to ride through. Ten minutes of absolute darkness and quietness. The only thing I could hear was the splashing of my tires against the mud on the path and the dripping of water that penetrated the cracks in the ceiling and fell to the ground. The only thing I could see was about 20 - 30 feet infant of me as my bike light penetrated the darkness just far enough for me to make out the path before me. Other than that, I could see nothing else and hear nothing else.
As I rode my bike in the darkness of the long tunnel, I thought of a few lessons I could share.
First, tunnels were made by others, trust the path of those who went before you. The writer of the book of Hebrews says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witness….” (12:1). This verse comes after an entire chapter of saints who lived by faith. These saints all went through the dark tunnel of faith. On our path of life, we can choose to enter the tunnel or to go around it. While going around it looks enticing, it is much, much more difficult. Don’t avoid the tunnel, trust those who have gone before you. Those who entered the tunnel of faith “were all commended for their faith, yet none of the received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect” (Hebrews 11:39, 40). They made the tunnel on purpose, but a tunnel unused is a useless tunnel and the workers who made it work will go unperfected.
Once in the tunnel, it will get dark. Trust the light on the path before you and keep moving forward. Don’t turn off the light, the amazingness of utter darkness will only last for a moment, then you will quickly realize how dependent you are on the light. Don’t try and explore. You are in a tunnel and there is only one way in and one way out. Don’t get turned around and end up exiting where you started. Don’t look back because you will see nothing, literally nothing. Trust the light on the path before you and keep moving. Without the light, it is extremely easy to get disorientated. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” When I was in the darkness of the St. Paul Pass Tunnel I knew I had to keep peddling. I knew it was only by illuminating the path before me that I would go forward and find my way to the end.
Because it is such a long tunnel, I had time to think. I thought of what would happen if I turned off my light. First, I would become disorientated and crash. Then I would pick myself up and move in a direction. My journey would become slow, very slow as I found a wall and then very slowly inched my way out of the tunnel. This is a horrible way to live. To live in the darkness when I have a perfectly good light is foolishness at best. Don’t enter the tunnel of faith and then try to live it on your own power. Get into the word of God and let him illuminate you path. When you are riding with the light of God’s word going before you, the tunnel of faith becomes exhilarating. It is difficult, it is long, it is cold (it was so cold in the tunnel as the ice water dripped from the ceiling from the snow covered mountain above me that my hands ached in pain.) and it is worth it!
Never enter the tunnel alone. We were designed to be in relationships. We need Intimate relationships (Genesis 3), family relationships (Most of the book of Numbers is about family lines), partners (Peter and John, Paul and Barnabas are examples) and community relationships (the church as community gathering together to encourage, support, and pray for one another) to fulfill all that God has intended us to experience. In the tunnel of faith, have a partner. When I was riding in the tunnel, I was riding closely behind my wife. I could see her light shining ahead of me. It helped me know and find the way. Then we would trade spots and I would ride in front. It was great journey to share together. It helped having another person in the tunnel together. This is a truism for life. Don’t do the spiritual life alone. Do the walk of faith with someone next to you experiencing it together.
We live in a world where our best friends are just numbers on a social media screen. They are people who curate their personalities and pleasures, picking out the best moments and pasting them for every to see. This is OK, I guess, but real friends walk next to each other. They work together. They suffer, share, and sacrifice for one another. Be connected with others and be in a community with others. The tunnel of faith works best with a line of faith filled lights illuminating the path before and behind you.
The light at the end of the tunnel is further away than you think. It is not a quick journey. It was so deceiving when I first spotted the light at the end of the tunnel. I could see it, but I had no reference as to how far away it was at the time. I thought I would get to it quickly and that it was much closer. I was wrong. It took a long time to finally enter the fresh air of the other side of the mountain. I knew that all I needed to do was simply peddle and endure the bitter cold. If I kept going, I would eventually reach the end. While it took longer than initially believed, I did make it out of the tunnel. We know that one day all of the pain and suffering of life will end. We know one day we will see the light of the Lord Jesus in his full and wonderful awesome glory. We know that a new creation is in the works. There is light at the end of this tunnel of faith, so keep peddling, working, and sharing the light with others. One day it will be all worth it.